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Integration with MasterMind · Tech

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We are pleased to announce our partnership with MasterMind · Tech to provide our users with a way to detect cigarette smoke and monitor air quality in their vacation rentals.

About MasterMind · Tech

MasterMind · Tech is a technology company that has developed a set of systems and solutions for monitoring various properties and parameters existing in the air. MasterMind · Tech Cigarette Smoke Control is the new system to control the smoking ban in vacation rentals and hotels. Their Cigarette Smoke Control system is indispensable for vacation rentals and hotels as it allows property managers to collect evidence and prove that guests have smoked during their stay.


  • Chemical sensors detect if a guest has smoked even when the guest covers the device.
  • Notification system that alerts the user to take appropriate action.
  • Obtain cigarette smoke detection reports by room and time ranges.
  • No monthly or annual fees - it's a one-time purchase. Also, there is no limitation on the number of accounts or the number of rooms /properties.


The price list is provided on request and has various prices depending on the volume and whether Indoor Air Quality is included. Please reach out MasterMind · Tech to learn more.

Start Using MasterMind · Tech

Get started with MasterMind · Tech by visiting the MasterMind · Tech website and checking out the OwnerRez support doc for how to integrate OwnerRez with MasterMind · Tech.