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Warning dialog to prevent you from losing changes when navigating away from a page

Status: Requested 1 Vote
Justus S
Feb 25, 2024 9:52 PM
Joined Mar, 2022 1 post

Myself and many others have lost progress we have made in changing property information and other configuration changes because we clicked on another link and navigated away from the page before saving. And that's it, all the changes are "POOF" gone. I would like it how I have seen on sites such as reddit and other contribution sites where the page detects a draft version of the configuration changes and does the pop up that prevents navigating away with the dialog "Are you sure you want to discard your changes?" - Yes or Cancel being the button options.

I think this would prevent a lot of wasted productivity for your customers and should be quite simple to implement as it is a pretty standard part of a lot of websites where users enter in data or make configuration changes. The section that has gotten me the most in this regard is far and beyond the Photos section in the property menu. I've literally lost 30 minutes of work via that mistake at times and people I help to get integrated are especially prone to making this mistake when new to the application.