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Payment method Identification for AirBnB - also allow manual categorization for "Credit Card (processed elsewhere)"

Status: Requested 2 Votes
Ocean Zen
Sep 15, 2023 8:23 AM
Joined Jun, 2022 70 posts

The structure and Identification for Payments needs to be updated with the recent improvements in syncing payments with AirBnB (and hopefully others).

It seems confusing between Payment Type as below


With the subset of Payment Type - Payment Method - AirBnB doesn't appear anywhere

(I have two Stripe accounts because I have a EU linked to EU bank Account and US linked to US bank account - right now they can't be named differently - hope this gets fixed soon)

It would be great if AirBnB was added as a Payment Method (could be done automatically if Syncing is enabled) and then all the reports were based off Payment Method. Or even better off both Payment Type and Method with Payment Method as the key one. AirBnB would be a Payment Method "AirBnB" with Payment Type "Credit Card - Processed Elsewhere"

This would also improve the Quickbooks integration because right now Payments are linked to a Quickbooks Bank account based on Payment Type and it should be based on Payment Method. As best practices is to have a clearing/reconciliation account for each Payment Method. This would be EXTREMELY beneficial for AirBnB due to the volume to have a separate QB clearing account just for AirBnB.

On Refunds and Payments we should be selecting Payment Method not Payment type and we should have the option to select the integrated CC Processor (ie Stripe) and have it designated as "Manual" or "External to OR" which would be the proper way to record Chargebacks or Refunds/Pyaments that were processed directly on the Processor website - this would help with reconciliation as the funds would be routed to appropriate accounts in QB versus one catch-all


Please let me know if there is any part of this that needs clarification and feel free to make suggestions