Experience the difference of "Elite".

Guest's profile picture preview

Status: Requested 2 Votes
Airnaldo C
Apr 3, 2024 6:47 AM
Joined Aug, 2020 11 posts

Hi folks,

I’ve been using Ownerrez and Hospitable in parallel for about 3 years now, and this feature is one of the most handy ones I’ve found. I believe Ownerrez should implement it.

Having a preview of the guest’s profile picture, which means seeing the guest’s photo before they book when they don’t have previous reviews, has allowed me to avoid many issues with unwanted guests. I know this might sound biased, but my experience has led me to think otherwise. I belong to a large host group in my country, and we share a comprehensive list of guests who have caused problems. Systematically, I’ve found guests I rejected based on their picture in this list.


Hope Ownerrez could implement this feature in the future.