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Interesting-AirBnB iCal import sometimes has fees and payments?
(page 2 )

Sep 30, 2017 1:20 PM
Joined Jun, 2016 1117 posts

tried every which way - still comes out wrong.
I have 2 scenarios:

1. person inquires, I send "special offer" add-on for tax, in that case tax is included in the amount when they pay
2. person instant-books, in that case I have to send "alteration" to add the tax, and then there are 2 transactions - one for instant book, one for additional amount for tax.

When importing I have received several messages about rows skipped... maybe that is the issue. Sending the CSV and print screen.. See reservation for Saleh as a good example of 2 transcations. no matter what options I use to import it still seems to come out wrong